Black Pure murrah buffalo
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Black Pure murrah buffalo
Product Code : 01
Price And Quantity
- Minimum Order Quantity
- 1 Unit
Product Description
The Black Pure Murrah Buffalo produces milk around 8 liters to 16 liters per day that contains an abundant amount of fat content. Capable of adapting every climatic condition, the buffalo is the most productive breed and easy to look after. This buffalo is fed with fresh and unadulterated fodder under hygienic shelter to keep it fit and disease-free. The buffalo is capable of yielding a good quantity of milk per lactation period. Our buffalo has the disease resistant immune system and easy to look after characteristics. Also, the buffalo is regularly vaccinated by veterinary doctors. You can buy the provided Black Pure Murrah Buffalo from us at affordable rates.
Trade Information
- Supply Ability
- 15 Unit Per Day
- Delivery Time
- 7 Days
- Main Domestic Market
- All India
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